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The blame is not on the one who does not accept advice. Rather, it is on the one who presents it inappropriately


Monday, 23 July 2012

The Handicapped Fasting

Your fasting is handicapped if you cannot cling a deal with the Holy Qur'an.

Your fasting is handicapped if you allow time to kill you by watching movies when you are supposed to be doing Dhikr.

Your fasting is handicapped if you allow time to be killing you by playing games when you are supposed to be seeking for repentance for your past sins.

Your fasting is handicapped if you allow time to be killing you by involving in backbiting when you are supposed to control your speech  by reciting the Qur'an to uplift your Eeman. 

Your fasting is handicapped when you allow time to be killing you by not lowering your gaze either on the streets, magazines, Tv or on the internet.

Your fasting is handicapped when you still can not abandon the life of sins. It is actually more tasking for your eeman to abandon a sin than to increase in your good deeds, use this opportunity to redeem yourself.

Your fasting is handicapped if you can not control your tongue from verbal diarrhea (vain talks, deceit, lies, insults, backbiting).

Your fasting is handicapped if you cannot feed the poor even when you have the means to.

Your fasting is handicapped if all you do is to sleep multiple hours just to 'fast track' the time for Iftar.

Your fasting is handicapped if you are still holding unjustifiable grudge against anyone and you seek not to pardon while you aspire for Allaah's forgiveness.

Let your fasting be a wholesome one by simply engaging your tongue, eyes, ears, legs, hands, skin and even your thought pattern in righteousness and piety. May Allah include us among the real successful ones during this Month not those that will be Muslims just for Ramadan.

1 comment:

  1. What a nice summary of what I can call Ramadan responsibilities. Jazakhallahu khairan.


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