Welcome to Abdullah Musa Abdul's world

The blame is not on the one who does not accept advice. Rather, it is on the one who presents it inappropriately


Sunday, 23 December 2012

Welcome To 21st Century!

Mu'awiayah(RA) said: "Ma'arufu zamanina munkaru zamani qad mada' wa munkaruhu ma'arufu zamani lam ya'ti"

"What we consider noble in our time was considered a sin and vice in the previous nations And what we consider as a vice today will equally be considered as noble in the nations to come."

Welcome to 21st century where technology has seduced people subliminally into becoming slaves, desperate for recognition.

Welcome to 21st century where young young girls flirt with thousands in front of their parents. Thanks to social media.

Welcome to 21st century where shamelessness is the order of the day. The more nude the more celebrated.

Welcome to 21st century where sisters move around in skimpy dresses but look for a Hijab to put on when its time to pray. Inward conviction of its waajib.

Welcome to 21st century where every man is chanting the slogan 'Ij 'alni alaa khazaaa inil ard" make me in charge (of power, authority)

Welcome to 21st century where the voices of truth are suppressed and those of lies are amplified.

Welcome to 21st century where truth is seen as judgment hence the phrase: "Don't Judge me."

Welcome to 21st century where Zina is the norm and homosexuality is competing to be the norm

Welcome to 21st century where the murderer knows not why he's killing and the murdered knows not why he's being killed.

Welcome to 21st century where people hav become slaves to social recognition that they dread speaking the truth so as not to lose popularity.

Welcome to 21st century where we pick and choose which of Allaah's orders to obey and which not to obey.

Welcome to 21st century where a man compromises on his beard because of a job or a lady he wants to marry.

Welcome to 21st century where most human beings cannot behave responsibly.

Welcome to 21st century where sins are given innocent names just to entice people. For example, Zina is called an affair to reduce the moral frown but it actually doesn't change the injunctions of Allaah.

Welcome to 21st century where the oppressed is painted as the oppressor and the oppressor is painted as the oppressed.

Welcome to 21st century where a man becomes guilty of arrogance by defending the arrogance of those that deny the truth.

Welcome to 21st century where mothers are kept in homeless people's home and mistresses are kept in mansions.

Welcome to 21st century where reference is made to the Qur'an and Sunnah when it suits us and are shun when we are guilty.

Welcome to 21st century where men dress like women and women dress like men.

Everywhere we see advertising, pornography, news, stories and squeezy fashions that grasp at us and shout aloud the charm of duty-free sex. This is 21st century!

Run and grab your Qur'an and hold firmly onto the Sunnah of our beloved Habib Muhammad(p).


  1. Assalamualaikum, masya Allah

    Nice post akhi.
    seeking forward for your next post.

    mind if i share one of your post

  2. Gr8t piece of work. You actually first me on this one. I was actually writing sumtin similar. All d same gud work.


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