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The blame is not on the one who does not accept advice. Rather, it is on the one who presents it inappropriately


Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Life As A Blossoming Flower That Withers!

Life as a blossoming flower that withers.

Live as long as you want to live, inevitably you are going to die one day.

Love as much as you want to love, inevitably you are going to be separated one day.

Steal as much as much as you want to steal, inevitably you are going to be caught one day.

Kill as much as you want to kill, inevitably you too will die one day.

Disobey Allaah according to how much you can tolerate His punishment.

Rule as long as you want to rule, inevitably the sun will set over your empire one day.

Every home regardless of how prolonged its provisions are, inevitably sadness will grip it one day.

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