In the Name of Allaah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.
"Verily, the Abrar (pious, who fear Allah and avoid evil), shall drink a cup (of wine) mixed with water from a spring in Paradise called Kafur." Q76:5
"And their recompense shall be Paradise, and silken garments, because they were patient." Q76:12...The reward of patience is Jannah.
"Reclining therein on raised thrones, they will see there neither the excessive heat of the sun, nor the excessive bitter cold," Q76:13
In Jannah there is no sun nor moon.
"Their garments will be of fine green silk and gold embroidery. They will be adorned with bracelets of silver and their Lord will give them a pure drink." Q76:21
It will be said to the dwellers of Paradise, live and you will never die.
No words are as perfect as the Words of Allaah.
We could be passing our death location, we could be seeing our last sun, we could be seeing our last moon, we could just be spending our last moment. Make it worthwhile so that you will have Jannah as your retirement package.
Jannah is a retirement package for those who worked throughout their lives fearing and obeying Allaah and associated no partner with Him.
Jannah is a retirement package for those who strived their utmost fighting against unchaste nature and do not approach illegal sexual intercourse because Allaah has forbidden it.
Jannah is a retirement package for those Muslims who strived their utmost adhering strictly to the five pillars of Islam.
Jannah is a retirement package for those who have sinned most part of their lives but on knowing the Mercy and the punishment of Allaah repent sincerely.
Jannah is a retirement package for those who when doing anything seeks only for Allaah's pleasure and do not seek for fame nor fortune.
Jannah is a retirement package for those who refused to succumb to peer pressures and adhered strictly to the provisions of the Shariah.
Jannah is a retirement package for those Muslim women who go against the satanic trend of exposing their nudity and donned the Hijab to please Allaah.
Jannah is a retirement package for those who learned the sciences of Islam and worked diligently on what they learnt.
Jannah is a retirement package for those men and women who lowered their gaze.
Jannah is a retirement package for those who spread salaam, kept ties of kinship, fed the poor and performed Tahajjud when others are asleep.
Jannah is a retirement package for those who fasted their days and humble themselves.
In Jannah, you will hear no nonsense.
For the beautiful description of Paradise let those who aspire to be in, strive their utmost.
May Allaah give us the strength to work righteousness all our lives so that He can favor us with this everlasting retirement package.
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